Paris (AFP)

The number one of the PS Olivier Faure hammered Saturday that the municipal elections should mark "the kick-off to prepare for the alternation" in 2022, which will have to go through the invention of "a new ecological and social left".

The municipal must be "the moment of rebirth" for his political family, said Mr. Faure, during a National Council (party parliament), intended to launch the PS campaign for the March election, before about 500 delegates in Paris. He pleaded for the emergence of a "new socialist and ecological left", capable of "preparing the alternation against Emmanuel Macron".

"The ecological crisis forces us to invent a new, sustainable project" because "life risks becoming unbearable," he said.

But "ecology without the left is neo-conservatism", he wished to warn: "the state of nature is the law of the strongest, it is not democracy (...). Man is a social animal who invented the right to protect the weakest. "

According to him, "we must avoid the risk of an ecology disconnected" from the social.

Welcoming the fact that the left was able to create "large rallies" for the March poll, the First Secretary also pleaded for "going beyond, but not erasing", where no left or ecological party takes precedence over the 'other. It is about "building together while accepting otherness", he insisted.

Returning to the pension reform, which the PS requests the withdrawal, the number one socialist denounced the "incredible sham" of the government, while, according to him, the new age of equilibrium established by this reform will "lengthen" the years of contributions, eventually leading to retirement "at 69 years of age".

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