Paris (AFP)

Cédric Villani is no longer a member of La République en Marche: three days after maintaining his candidacy for mayor of Paris and opposing Emmanuel Macron, the mathematician was, unsurprisingly, excluded by the presidential movement .

The Republic on the march "takes note that Cédric Villani is no longer a member" of the party, decided its executive office on Wednesday evening, taking care not to use the word "exclusion", as the Walkers believe that it is the Member of Parliament for Essonne, which has itself separated from LREM.

In question, "the words without ambiguity" of the mathematician, who had explained Sunday evening that "between belonging to a political apparatus and the commitment to the city that made me, I choose to remain faithful to Parisiennes and Parisians by maintaining my candidacy freely ".

The office "drew the consequences" while "regretting the situation", according to the party statement, while according to several sources, the decision was made "without heated debates".

"The movement has reached out to Cédric Villani to the end and will continue to work to bring all of its members together," said La République en Marche.

One of Cédric Villani's spokesmen, Ryan Nezzar, immediately posted on Twitter the message "Free."

The episode brings to light a situation that has become untenable for LREM, which had invested Benjamin Griveaux in the mayor of Paris in July, but who had to face the dissident candidacy of the mathematician, reputed popular in many ranks of the majority.

The party had until then refused to take any sanction against the medalist Fields, while Emmanuel Macron had avoided any public support for one or the other candidate.

- Toboggan -

But, in the light of bad polls for the official candidate, beaten by outgoing PS Anne Hidalgo and Rachida Dati (LR), several LREM pundits and close to the head of state had urged the latter to intervene.

Cédric Villani had thus been received on Sunday by the President of the Republic, who had then asked him to get closer to Benjamin Griveaux.

Las: the deputy of Essonne had opposed it an inadmissibility, citing a "major difference" with the head of state.

"The words are clear," had reacted the next day the party boss, Stanislas Guerini, while several macronists considered that Mr. Villani had "crossed the red line" by "making an arm of honor" to Emmanuel Macron.

Since then, Benjamin Griveaux told AFP that he called Cédric Villani on Monday, but he "did not pick up". The mathematician's campaign director, Baptiste Fournier, confirmed: "After listening to Stanislas Guerini on the radio for the reasons for his exclusion, it did not seem necessary".

For Walkers, the member for Essonne is now "isolated". "He made a serious mistake", judges an official of LREM, "because he said shit to Macron: now, with us, if there is one thing that holds, it is loyalty to the president" .

While some deputies of the majority saw in the mathematician a potential leader to embody a left wing of the movement, "now, for them, it will no longer be possible to follow him," said the same.

The most optimistic hope that the decision of the executive office will help to settle the Parisian situation, while MM. Griveaux and Villani have so far been respectful of the voting intentions. "For Villani, now it's going to be the slide," prophesies a person in charge of the majority. And who hopes, in parallel, a rebound in the curve of the official candidate.

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