"What Trump and Netanyahu just revealed is a public relations campaign, not a peace plan," editor Max Max-Bout wrote in the Washington Post.

The writer believes that every president in a political predicament looks at foreign policy for distraction, and that President Trump is no different from others, and from this distraction that January this year began the killing of Iranian Major General Qassem Soleimani and ended with the publication of a peace plan from the White House to the Israelis and the Palestinians, and not Coincidentally, all of this happened during the impeachment trial of the President, as Trump presents himself as a war instructor and peacemaker simultaneously, according to the author.

"But while the president can undoubtedly order the killing of an enemy leader, he cannot, by just" cracking his fingers, "end a long-running conflict such as the Palestinian-Israeli conflict," he added, noting that Trump is not actually seriously trying to do so, as What was unveiled yesterday, Tuesday, was nothing but a "public relations campaign, not a peace plan," according to Bout.

"When you make peace, you usually have to do this with your enemies, but the only people who were present in the White House were Trump and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, and there was no trace of a Palestinian representative, and it seems that no Palestinians were consulted when developing this plan." ".

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The greatest friend
Indeed, the Palestinians have not spoken to the United States since Trump's announcement in December 2017 that he was to move the US embassy in Israel to Jerusalem in recognition of this disputed city as Israel's capital.

Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas is said to have recently described Trump as a "son of a dog" and a "dirty man". By contrast, Netanyahu Trump has been called "the greatest friend of Israel ever in the White House."

And since birds of all kinds are located, the writer sees that Netanyahu is sincere in his saying that Trump is the greatest friend he has had, as both are in trouble trying to break away from him, so Netanyahu, who is convicted of corruption cases, and the dubious president stand today, pretending that all that matters to them is peace, Although all they really care about is politics.

The writer considered that this "peace plan" is so tilted in favor of Israel that it must serve as a lever for both Netanyahu and Trump among the conservative voters in their countries while facing re-election, and perhaps this is what Trump means as a win-win for everyone.

He said that the losers are the Palestinians and all who believe that the only way to protect the future of Israel as a Jewish and democratic state is to establish a true Palestinian state with sovereignty over most of the Arab population between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean.

He described the peace plan as a "realistic vision" of a "two-state solution", which is just a false façade to impose Israeli control and land seizures.

The writer warned that it is necessary to read the "fine details" in the printed copy of the peace plan, especially the 34th page, to know that Trump's commitment to the Palestinian state is conditional on conditions that will never be met, as stated in the "criteria" for "forming a Palestinian state" that include complete demilitarization of all Palestinians. And, including the disarmament of Hamas in Gaza, which is not controlled by the Palestinian Authority, Hamas must move from calling for the elimination of Israel to giving up the Palestinian "right of return" and recognizing Israel as a Jewish state.

Fictional terms
This is not even the impossible part of the plan. The other condition for establishing a state is establishing a system of government with a constitution or another system for establishing the rule of law.

In other words, in order to be recognized as a sovereign state, the Palestinians will have to achieve levels of government that have not been achieved by any country in the Middle East except Israel itself, and no Arab-American ally - from Egypt to Saudi Arabia - meets these criteria.

While the promise of a Palestinian state is subject to fictional terms, and the plan does not set any conditions to allow Israel to annex the Jordan Valley and all Israeli settlements in the West Bank, but Netanyahu can do so tomorrow, and this is likely.

A serious peace plan would make Israel dismantle the remote settlements, which now number about 80,000 people, but the plan specifically avoids such a settlement saying, "Peace must not demand that people - Arabs and Jews - be removed from their homes."

The writer concluded that the plan includes a "conceptual map" of the future state of Palestine, which appears to be an electoral district with no clear borders in favor of one party over another and not a self-sufficient country.

In exchange for sacrificing the state, the Palestinians are given a promise of wealth "with the possibility of spending more than $ 50 billion in new investments in the Palestinian territories over a period of ten years", an imaginary sum that Jared Kushner tried to smash Trump and failed to collect in the Bahrain workshop last summer, and the states do not have The United Nations or any of its allies has any intention of giving the Palestinians that money, and they know that.