• Bonaccini wins in Emilia Romagna. The Democratic Party stops Salvini. M5S collapse
  • Regional in Calabria, Jole Santelli beats Pippo Callipo


January 27, 2020 2020 is the year of 'regional' tests. After the appointment in Emilia-Romagna, which saw the confirmation of the center-left with Stefano Bonaccini, and in Calabria, passed to the force-worker Jole Santelli, citizens of 6 other regions, from North to South, will be called to the polls. Between May and June in fact, it will vote in Campania, Liguria, Marche, Puglia, Tuscany and Veneto.

Eyes on Tuscany , governed by Enrico Rossi. If the center-left has already chosen its candidate, Eugenio Giani, president of the outgoing regional council, the center-right has not yet reached an agreement. One of the hot names in recent weeks has been that of the journalist Paolo Del Debbio, but the blessing of the leaders has not yet come on his name or on another. In late spring the governors of Liguria and Veneto seek reconfirmation. Giovanni Toti, founder of Cambiamo !, supported by the whole coalition despite some discontent in Forza Italia, will deal with Alice Salvatore (M5S) while the center-left is working to choose his name. And then Luca Zaia, whom the Northern League calls the 'Doge'. In office at Palazzo Balbi since 2010, he will run for the third consecutive time without knowing his opponents at the moment. If Matteo Salvini was looking for a shoulder in Emilia-Romagna, for the Democratic Party to give a hard time to the Carroccio in Veneto would be a great satisfaction.

Then going down towards the Center, in the Marche region, governed by the dem Luca Ceriscioli, the deputy of Fratelli d'Italia and former mayor of Potenza Picena Francesco Acquaroli waits to know the squad of the contenders. While the picture is already outlined in Campania and Puglia . In the first of these two regions, Vincenzo De Luca is chasing an encore for the center-left against the blue Stefano Caldoro for the third consecutive challenge, while the M5S has not yet pronounced the verdict on the candidate. In Puglia Michele Emiliano, current governor and fresh winner of the Democratic Party primaries, aims for reconfirmation. His opponents are the former president Raffaele Fitto, an exponent of FDI and co-president of the European Conservatives and Reformists in Strasbourg, and the pentastellate Antonella Laricchia. Just wait a few months and the picture of the power relations between the center-right and center-left, at regional level, will be even clearer.