Mohamed Ramadan

A new study showed that the rise in ocean temperatures as a result of global warming continues to break records, as the temperature of the oceans in 2019 reached its highest measurement in human history, which is irrefutable evidence of global warming, which refutes the allegations of those who deny it.

Equivalent to 5 nuclear bombs
The results of that study were published in the journal Advances in Atmospheric Sciences in mid-January, when an international research team of 14 scientists from 11 research institutions around the world analyzed data related to ocean heat from the 1950s to 2019.

The results indicate that the average ocean temperature during the past year was 0.075 ° C above its average measurement during the period from 1981 to 2010.

While it appears to some that this increase is very small, this number means that the oceans during the last 25 years absorbed a quantity of heat amounting to 228 sextillion (288,000,000,000,000,000,000,000).

"To understand this number with many zeros, the amount of heat that the oceans of the planet have absorbed in 25 years is equivalent to an explosion of 3.6 billion," explains the massive figure, Cheng Liying, lead researcher and associate professor of the International Center for Climate and Environmental Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Sciences - through a press release. A nuclear bomb, like the one dropped on Hiroshima. "

"When performing a few other calculations according to this analogy, it can be said that the rate of ocean warming is equal to the detonation of five nuclear bombs per second.

The rate of temperature increase during the recent period is about 450% compared to the previous one (Springer)

Sustained rise in temperature
The research team used a new method to analyze this huge volume of data collected over a period of about sixty years.

To reveal the results that when studying ocean temperatures between the periods (1955-1986) and (1987-2019), it was found that the rate of temperature increase during the last period was about 450% compared to the previous period, which means that the steady rise in temperature The oceans are occurring at a very rapid pace.

The main purpose of this study is to understand how the continuous acceleration of global warming is occurring through the study of the ocean. This is confirmed by John Abraham - a member of the research team and professor of mechanical engineering at St. Thomas American University, through the press release - saying, "The key to answering this question is the ocean; this is where Most of the heat ends up, and if you want to understand global warming, you must measure ocean warming.

Many marine creatures are not able to adapt to the warming of the oceans (Bexabay)

Longer time to recover
It is worth noting that about 90% of the heat caused by global warming is absorbed by the oceans, which causes the temperature to rise, while the land and atmosphere absorb less than 4% of that heat only, which means that if confrontational policies are followed Global warming, the oceans will take longer to recover than on land.

This unprecedented rise in ocean temperatures is a catastrophe at all levels, especially for marine organisms that live in those oceans; where many of these creatures such as fish, whales, dolphins and even marine plankton are unable to cope with this warming, so that huge numbers of them die.

Besides this, ocean warming reduces dissolved oxygen in its water, further exacerbating marine organisms.

Not only does this stop, as ocean warming contributes to a faster melting of polar ice, and the consequent rise in sea level threatening to drown many of the densely populated coastal cities.

The increase in the evaporation of water from the oceans due to the high temperature affects the climate of the planet negatively, as the frequency of occurrences of hurricanes and storms increases, as well as their intensity, which means more climate disasters that destroy the tillage and offspring.