How much the trial will cost the state in total is not clear.

But when Uppsala District Court realized how big the case was, they sought - and got - an extra 3.3 million from the Court. The money has been used, among other things, for increased staff costs that have arisen due to the casino target.

But the state's note for the entire trial will be significantly higher. Only the lawyers for all the 119 prosecutors will cost around SEK 50 million. It is as much money as what the main defendants are suspected to have been deceived by various lending institutions.

- Only the principal's lawyer has submitted a cost claim of SEK 3.8 million for his work. Then there will be additional staff costs for prosecutors and costs for the Prison Service. But justice has to cost, that's all, says Catarina Barketorp.

An exceptional goal

Uppsala District Court's total budget is SEK 67 million per year, money that will be enough to handle about 8,000 goals.

- With that perspective, you understand that the casino target is exceptional, says Catarina Barketorp.

The casino trial began in April last year and the final pleadings were held in October. In all likelihood, the verdict will be appealed to the High Court for a new trial.

Other long - and expensive - lawsuits in Sweden, for example, are the Södertäljen network, which cost a total of almost SEK 200 million, and the trial of a home service inheritance in Södertälje in 2016, where only legal costs amounted to SEK 100 million.