It is reported by the Global Times.

“On Thursday (January 24 - RT ), the Chinese Ministry of Finance allocated 1 billion yuan ($ 144 million) to Hubei to help the province fight the spread of the new coronavirus,” the statement said.

In late January, it became known that in the Chinese city of Wuhan, dozens of people fell ill with an unknown form of pneumonia. It was later reported that a new type of coronavirus was the cause of the outbreak of viral pneumonia.

Various states have already taken measures in connection with the appearance of this virus. For example, airports in the United States, Great Britain, Russia, and a number of other countries began to check arriving passengers for a new type of coronavirus, but 2019-nCoV continues to spread around the world. Patients were recorded already in the USA, Singapore, Vietnam and other states.

According to the latest official data, only in China the number of infected reached 644, the deaths - 18, and two cities are already isolated due to coronavirus.

More details in the material RT.