According to Mia Kjällander, who is a game manager at the County Administrative Board, it is another female puppy that has now been found in the area with the help of DNA.

- The samples were submitted on January 9 and the results came yesterday, she tells SVT Nyheter Öst.

In total, there will now be two male puppies and three female puppies.

- Then we have the result of another puppy of unknown sex. But we will see what it becomes of it. If it is any of the others that we could not determine or if it is another puppy. It is now about five or six puppies in the area, says Mia Kjällander.

Photo: Östergötland County Administrative Board

The wolf inventory will continue until the end of March, and it is both the county administrative board and private individuals who submit filings via the county administrative board, which is then analyzed with DNA.

- We do not know if there can be even more in the area. We'll see what the result will be at the end of March, ”says Mia Kjällander.

Does this question the issue of protection hunting in any way?

- Not at the moment anyway. But it can of course affect later on.

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Five facts about the wolf: Photo: Junge, Heiko / TT