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The PP and Vox have filed an appeal before the Superior Court of Justice of the Basque Country (TSJPV) against the decree of the Basque Government on the use of Basque and Spanish in town halls, and which, in practice, allows municipalities to address to citizens only in Basque.

Parallel to the presentation of the appeal, the PP has initiated a campaign on social networks against the decree ensuring that the Basque Government "tramples" the right of Basques to communicate in either of the two official languages.

The TSJPV has admitted both resources to processing, in which the decree of "unconstitutional" by the PP and "racist" by Vox is crossed out.

The secretary general of the PP, Amaya Fernández announced Tuesday the appeal, ensuring that "undermines the fundamental rights of the Basques." Fernández stressed that "we are the citizens who have the right to decide in which preferred language we want to communicate."

Also the president of the popular Basques, Alfonso Alonso, had pointed out after the approval of a decree that the norm attempts "against the liberties of citizens" and recalled a ruling of the Constitutional Court against the Catalan Statute that stressed that administrations "cannot have preference for any of the two official languages ​​".

For its part, Vox said today that it has as its objective that the TSJPV raise a matter of unconstitutionality before the Constitutional Court, understanding that this rule is "a real linguistic abuse" for the Castilian speakers, because the Basque consistories "will communicate with their neighbors only in Basque ".

The general secretary of the Vox group in Congress, Macarena Olona, ​​has censored the Basque Executive to endorse the "racist postulates" of EH Bildu, promoting a measure that tries to divide citizenship between "first and second-class Basques "depending on the language they use, reports Efe.

After processing the resources, the TSJPV will give the appellants a period of 20 days so that they can formalize the claims against the Basque Government. Subsequently, the Executive will have as many days to answer.

According to the criteria of The Trust Project

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  • Basque Country
  • Basque
  • PP
  • Vox
  • PNV
  • PSE

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