New type virus pneumonia North Korean national airline correspondence that foreign tourists can not carry January 22 12:53

This is a move by North Korea following the spread of pneumonia, which is thought to be caused by a new type of coronavirus in China.

North Korea's state-owned Koryo Airlines has told NHK that it has decided not to accept foreign tourists, including Chinese, on flights from Beijing to Pyongyang.

Koryo Tours, a Beijing-based North Korean tour operator, also said that North Korea had stopped accepting foreign tourists by the 22nd.

The state-run Korea Central Television reported in a news article on the night of the night of the night of the outbreak of pneumonia suspected of being caused by the new coronavirus, and a North Korean Ministry of Health official said, We are making a strong effort to prevent this from happening at the national level. "This suggests that North Korea is nervous about the influx of viruses into the country.