Most people associate caffeine with coffee, but this stimulant is also present in energy drinks, green and black tea, colas, and even cocoa drinks. After how many minutes of drinking coffee does its effect begin?

Coffee is one of the most popular drinks around the world. In Germany, it is at the top of the list of the most consumed drinks. While many rely on coffee to wake up in the morning or stay up and improve work, some say that a lot of caffeine is harmful to health.

And after drinking coffee or other drinks that contain caffeine, the effect of caffeine on the performance of the body does not start immediately, but rather takes about thirty minutes until its effectiveness appears, according to what was published by the German magazine Stern.

While many tests have demonstrated the benefits of coffee, that it is stimulant and reduces the risk of early death and heart disease and its ability to fight depression and help it burn body fat, experts believe that this comes only through drinking coffee in moderation and without exaggeration.

People who drink more coffee are at risk of side effects such as insomnia, nervousness, nausea, rapid heartbeats or muscle cramps. There is also some people have an allergy to caffeine, which may cause severe consequences after consuming it, especially since drinking coffee after taking certain medications such as antibiotics, has an effect on the way caffeine works in the body, which may be dangerous to its health.

Moderation is required .. but how?
According to the German magazine, moderation is different from one person to another in terms of his age, weight and health he enjoys, and about four hundred milligrams a day is considered a safe dose for healthy adults. This equates to about three to four cups of coffee. And the caffeine content depends on the type of coffee and the degree of roasting. A single dose of caffeine should not exceed two hundred milligrams.

In order to accurately calculate the appropriate amount of caffeine in the body, the German Federal Center for Nutrition (BZfE) created a special electronic calculator. And the interested person inserts his name, weight and the amount of drinks he consumed, from coffee, tea, juice, or even chocolate, to the machine checks the quantity and gives an approximate percentage of caffeine with it.

The calculator site advises visitors to drink coffee or stop drinking it, according to the amount of caffeine in the body. There is also additional information on the website about how caffeine works in the body, its effect and its permissible amount during pregnancy and lactation. However, the calculator does not apply to pregnant women.