China's new viral pneumonia widens President Xi gives important instructions to 218 patients January 21 5:29

In China, the spread of pneumonia, which is thought to be due to a new type of coronavirus, has increased to 218 patients. Xi Jinping Jintao issued a direct instruction to the relevant departments to immediately announce the information, from the fact that infection to hide the information at the time of the atypical pneumonia "SARS" in 2003 has expanded, highlighting the commitment to strengthen the provision of information want did.

The state-run China Central Television is the main news on the evening of the 20th, many people move closely before and after Lunar New Year's `` Spring Festival '' regarding the spread of pneumonia infection thought to be due to the new coronavirus He pointed out that preventive measures were very important, and said that he had issued important instructions to the relevant departments, "to take effective measures and firmly control the spread of infection."

Mr. Xi said in an instruction that he should "publish immediate information about the spread of infection and disseminate scientific preventive knowledge."

On the 20th, the Communist Party media "Global Times" published an editorial on the 20th stating that "Do not repeat hiding information at the time of the 2003 SARS."

Until now, the Chinese government had restricted media coverage and information on the Internet for fear of widespread social unrest. , To emphasize information and preventive measures.

According to announcements by China Central Television and health authorities in various regions, the number of patients was 198 in Wuhan,
55 people in Beijing,
1One person in Shanghai,
▽ Guangdong Province has 14 people, bringing the total to 218.