Basic Policy on IR Development Deferred decision for the time being Corruption case Government January 21, 4:57

IR = In response to corruption incidents involving integrated resort facilities, the government has forgotten the decision to make a basic policy for IR development this month and will proceed with further careful consideration. Was.

In September last year, the government announced a draft basic policy, including evaluation criteria for selecting areas to be developed, for IR development, and will make a formal decision later this month, based on discussions with related ministries and agencies. Was there.

However, in response to a corruption case involving the IR business, the opposition party and other parties submitted a bill to the Diet on the 20th to suspend the development of IRs, indicating that the government has shown a willingness to pursue it. In order to determine the status of the deliberations, the decision on the basic policy that was to be made later this month has been postponed for the time being, and we will proceed with further careful consideration.

Based on the corruption case, the government will continue to discuss the basic policy and the rules for casino operators to contact the members of the "Casino Management Committee", which is responsible for the three governments and the screening of businesses, etc. is.

After deciding the basic policy, the government will accept applications for maintenance plans from local governments aiming to attract IR from January next year, but government officials have stated that "the schedule for development will not be affected". I am.