The National Meteorological Center revealed that the year 2017 recorded the highest rate of rainfall in the country during the last three years, reaching 107.7 mm, compared to 46.5 mm in 2018, while the rate of rainfall during the past year was 101.1 mm, indicating that the total number of The sunrise flights carried out by the center during the year 2018 reached 184, compared to 247 sorties in 2019, and finally 22 sorties since the beginning of this year.

The Center affirmed during the activities of the fourth edition of the International Rainfall Forum, which started this morning in Abu Dhabi, that it anticipated the implementation of the rainforest program, by conducting more than 200 randomized trials on pollination clouds in different and various regions, and put their results under study, showing the positive impact of the rain-seeking operations And its effectiveness, stressing that all experiments have proven that the rates and types of withdrawals within the Emirates are completely suitable for investment operations, and will achieve the desired economic benefit.