• Salvini rejected referendum on electoral law, "Let's go back to the worst Italian politics"
  • Electoral law, the Consulta rejects the referendum
  • Gregoretti case, clash in the Senate on the vote on Salvini
  • Referendum, M5S-Lega clash: "Salvini makes fun of Italians"


January 17, 2020 "A theft of democracy. It is decided that it is not good for Italians to choose how to elect their parliamentarians but only the parties in the building's enclosure should speak about electoral law. That Pd and 5stars celebrate the fact that the people can't vote, he's really shabby. " Matteo Salvini, leader of the League, said it this morning on Rai Radio1 at Gr1, returning to comment on the rejection of the majority referendum by the Consulta.

The leader of the League has relaunched presidentialism: "I know that the Democratic Party and the M5s are working to go back to a proportional electoral law that Italians alas remember: that of the 35 parties and MPs who changed 18 parties a day. It is not what Italy needs. We will continue to work for a majority electoral law that on the evening of the vote tell the Italians who won and who lost. We will continue to be among the people, for example with a bill that asks the direct election of the President of the Republic ''.

Renzi: "Statements leave time they find"
"Consultation decision on the referendum? Salvini's declarations leave the time they find, on the electoral law I don't think we can talk about theft of democracy. I had an opinion, judged negatively in the 2016 referendum: for me I need a double system shift, as it happens for the mayors, and who wins the ballot rules for five years. Now that there is a German system, that there is Mattarellum ... everything is fine with me. I'm not passionate because none of these, alone , allows the citizen to choose a government for 5 years. The only solution was a one-chamber ballot, but unfortunately it went as it went. " At Circo Massimo, on Radio Capital, Matteo Renzi talks about the Northern League referendum proposal and the various hypotheses on the electoral law.

"The 5% barrier is not a problem for Italia Viva", continues the ex premier, "On the basis of the electoral law the presentation modalities also change: already now the parties and movements of the reformist area, of people who believed in our governments and who has a less left-wing look than the Democratic Party, they are more than 10%. We will go double-digit. We will calmly do 5% in the elections ", he concludes," but I don't know if the M5S will do 5% in Emilia, in Tuscany and then in the various elections ".