The Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Dr. Anwar Gargash, said that the era of Bashir and the Muslim Brotherhood in Sudan left behind a catastrophic failure to manage the state and provide stability and prosperity.

Gargash continued in a tweet on his account on the social networking site «Twitter», «From my impressions during my visit to Khartoum that the era of Bashir and the Muslim Brotherhood left behind a catastrophic failure to manage the state and provide stability and prosperity». He added, "The Sudanese are facing today the accumulations of the failure of ideological theorization, and are determined to build a modern system that pulls their country out of its lean years."

In a second tweet, Gargash said, "It seems clear from Khartoum that the restoration of credibility to the Arab dimension in regional politics is necessary in light of the regional powers' defiance of the Arab system." The reproduction of imperial ambitions and the comic definition of neighborhood and neighborhood is only a cover for a new colonial expansion at the expense of the Arab world.