On Wednesday, January 15, two weeks into the winter month, the daytime temperature in Stockholm was 10.7 plus degrees. It's almost 11 degrees warmer than usual.

- It's very warm for January. These are temperatures we don't have every year, but they do occur, says SVT meteorologist Nitzan Cohen.

In 2007, 11 degrees were measured in January in Stockholm, and it is the hottest in the capital since 1901. The warmest January temperature known to be seen in the whole of Sweden was in 1973. At that time they measured a full 12.4 degrees in Allgunnen in Småland.

Still warm - but can turn around

And yet there is no real winter cold in sight, the heat remains.

- It will continue for a while. There are some cold days ahead, but no longer period, says Nitzan Cohen.

Does this mean that there will be no winter temperatures this year?

- No, it can still change.