Tokyo Olympics, Para "interesting" more than 70% NHK public opinion poll January 15 at 5:33

When asked about their interest in the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics in an NHK opinion poll, more than 70% of the respondents said they were "interested", up 5 points from the survey last August.

NHK has been conducting public opinion polls for three days since the 11th of this month using a method called "RDD", which calls men and women aged 18 and over nationwide random numbers on landline and mobile phones. Was.

A total of 2216 people were surveyed, with 55% or 1221 responding.

When Prime Minister Abe and South Korean President Moon Jae-in (Monza Tora) held a summit meeting last month for the first time in about a year and three months, they asked if Japan-South Korea relations could improve. 17% said they thought they would improve, and 67% said they did not think they would.

When asked what the future economy would be like, 13% said "better", 23% "worse", and 55% "no change".

When asked how much they were interested in the Tokyo Olympics and Paralympics, が "very much interested" 31%, ▽ "somewhat interested" 42%, ▽ "not very interested" 16%, ▽ "not at all" Not interested "was 5%.

Those who answered "interested" by combining "greatly" and "somewhat" were up 5 points from the survey last August.