- It was built sometime in the 50's or 60's. Most recently, a major renovation took place in the mid-eighties. So it's time to start renovating it again to get some better surface layers and more, says Johan Kallum, security manager at Region Gotland.

From the civil defense facility, which is set in Galgberget in Visby, politicians and officials could control Gotland in the event of a war. But the war did not come and the plant over the years has become outdated. Now all the old ones, such as transparencies and mold-damaged equipment and furniture, will be torn out.

Photo: Patrik Widegen / SVT

- Yes, it is now to modernize what is today to begin with. Refresh the surface layer so clearly and bring in new reserve power and adapt the passage system to today's standards, says Johan Kallum.

SVT Nyheter Öst unfortunately can not enter the mountain itself, but inside is a building on two floors with, among other things, beds and a management center with room for about 70 people.

50 million

The renovation is done with state money and according to a rough first estimate from Johan Kallum, the cost can land at around SEK 50 million. When the construction is ready, preliminary at the end of next year, the management center will again be able to be used in an event of crisis, but also to hold training and exercises.