Nasser Hadian works at Tehran University as a professor of international relations, and is considered to have good insight into Iran's presidential administration. He has extensive experience in assessing Iran's foreign policy, and has strong opinions on how Iran should force the United States to lift the economic sanctions against the country. Hadian previously worked for the American think tank Middle East Institute and at Columbia University in the United States.

We are also interviewing American Iranian scientist Michael Rubin, who works as a Middle Eastern analyst at the conservative think tank American Enterprise Institute in Washington. He previously worked at the Pentagon Defense Headquarters and wrote the book "Eternal Iran" on how Iran's history affects the country's sense of vulnerability. The AEI is sometimes described as the leading neoconservative think tank. Neoconservatism is an ideology that states that the United States should use military means to secure its interests and create peace.

These two interviews, together with an element that gives the historical background, we hope to give viewers an understanding of what is most important to the parties, and what strategy they have for winning the conflict.

In the program, we also interview Foreign Minister Ann Linde, who is allowed to give the Swedish view, which is largely in line with other EU countries.