Grant Cardon turned from a debt-constrained person at the age of 21 to a millionaire who made himself up by the age of 30.

In a report published by the American "Business Insider" website, author Kathleen Elkins quoted Grant Cardon as saying that the first step to becoming a millionaire is to focus on increasing your income.

"My income was only $ 3,000 a month, and after nine years it became equivalent to $ 20,000 a month, earning money is easy to say and difficult to implement, but most people have options," Cardon said.

1- Develop multiple sources of income
One way to make more money is by increasing your sources of income, and the author Thomas C. Corley, in a study of five-year-old millionaires who created themselves, has found that many of them have multiple sources of income.

These additional sources include real estate rents, stock market investments, and partial ownership of secondary businesses, and Corley said, "The more revenue you generate, the greater your profit."

2- Save money with the intention of investing
According to Cardon, the only reason to save money should be to invest in it later. Put your money in secured accounts and never use these accounts for anything, not even in emergency situations, as this will force you to continue increasing income.

The investment is not considered complicated or arduous as we think, and the simplest starting point is to contribute to the retirement pension account, and to take full advantage of your company's program that matches your account.

Increasing your income sources is one way to make money (Reuters)

3- Take decisive decisions
According to Raphael Badzeg, an expert in the psychology of entrepreneurship, all billionaires who have formed themselves are disciplined, saying, "The billionaires I interviewed represent the most disciplined person they have set high standards for themselves and the people around them."

After studying more than five hundred millionaires, journalist and author Napoleon Hill found that they all share one feature of making critical decisions.

4- Don't be proud of what you have
The writer stated that Kardon did not buy his first luxury watch or car until his business and investments produced safe and multiple sources of income, in addition to that he did not give up the Toyota Camry when he became a millionaire.

Cardon stressed the need to be known for your business ethics, not for the purposes you buy.

5- Invest in yourself
Many successful and wealthy people in modern times are a fan of reading. Take Warren Buffett's estimate, for example, that he devotes 80% of his work day to reading.

Many wealthy people in modern times are a fan of reading (networking sites).

6- Change your view of money
Millionaire Steve Seibold explained, "Get rich begins with the way you think and what you think about making money. In the end, the secret has always been the same thinking."

He added, "While everyone believes that getting rich is difficult, the wealthy know that earning money is really an internal business."

7- Abandoning the fixed salary
The site pointed out that the rich often work on their own account and determine the size of their own salaries.

In this regard, Seabold says it is not that there are no people around the world working around the clock to get a salary, but most of the time this is the slowest path to prosperity, is promoted as the most secure, and the great know that self-employment is the fastest path to wealth. .

As the upper classes continue to create their businesses and build their fortunes, ordinary people settle for fixed salaries and miss the opportunity to amass huge wealth.

Sibold says people guarantee themselves a life based on moderate financial income by staying in a job with modest and annual stipends.

8- Set goals and envision achieving them
If you want to earn more money, you should have a clear goal, then a specific plan for how to achieve this goal, the money will not appear on its own, but rather you should work to create it.

In fact, the wealthy choose to commit to achieving wealth, which requires focus, courage, knowledge and much effort.

You must have a specific goal and plan to earn money (Getty Images)

9- Surround yourself with the gifted
The writer noted that millionaire Andrew Carnegie attributes all his fortunes to one principle and is the mastermind. The idea here is to surround yourself with talented people who share your vision, because the alignment of many smart and creative minds is stronger than just one mind.

And since we become like the people we are associated with, this is the reason why rich people tend to relate to rich people like them.

For his part, Seabold explains that dealing with people who are more successful than you is able to broaden your thinking and multiply your income.

The truth is that the wealthy think differently from the middle class about money, and there is a lot to benefit from by communicating with them.

10- Achieving a profit exceeding one million
"The biggest single financial mistake I made is not thinking enough," Cardon says. "I encourage you to seek a profit of more than a million dollars. There is no shortage of money on this planet. Rather, there is a shortage of people who think enough."