During the fall and winter, the trial has been conducted against six young men suspected of being involved in three blasts in Malmö.

One of the men, along with his brother, has been identified as some of the responsible for the thermal bombs in Malmö in recent years. However, he was released from custody after the end of the trial, which may mean that he is released.

Police discovered a weapon and explosives hide in a wind in a multi-dwelling house in Malmö. There they seized weapons, explosives and ammunition - but bought garbage bags, silver tape, nails and a thermos and arranged to make it look like the hidden objects were left behind. Then a hidden camera was mounted at the hiding place to capture the suspects in the picture.

- We launched a massive investigative effort against this group, which led to a seizure in January. It is one of the major cases in Sweden that has been brought about blasting. Hopefully, it can give police and prosecutors experience that we can use in future similar cases, ”Chamber Prosecutor Christoffer Östlind told SVT News Skåne when the trial was ongoing.

The pictures from the hide in the attic are now among the evidence. It also makes surveillance films from stores where the men buy thermos.

One of the men said in a police interview that he bought the thermos for a taxi company. But Christoffer Östlind thinks it was for building bombs.

The suspected men deny the charges.

The target applies to three blasts in Malmö in December 2018:

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The entrance to the grocery store was ruptured in December. Photo: Mikael Nilsson

Fourth of December, an explosive charge explodes outside a shop on Lantmannagatan. Two people are suspected of having ordered the blast and a third man for having performed it.

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Police in place after the explosion in the western South Kulla. Photo: Anders Magnusson

Five days later, a seriously injured man is found in a stairwell on Södra Gulsparvsgatan. He is suspected to have placed a thermos bomb outside an apartment and himself injured in the explosion. He is one of the accused persons, but despite his injuries he does not want to point out the person who ordered the blast.

Just before midnight, the explosive charge detonated at Jägersro in Malmö. Photo: Mikael Nilsson

December 22, an explosion is alerted at an industrial property on Ridspögatan. One person is charged with suspected of having performed the blast and two persons for assisting.