Every morning, regardless of the weather, Tobias Hansson in Alvesta jumps on his mountain bike and treads it in round slopes 15 kilometers long from Alvesta to work in Växjö.

- It's always fun to ride a bike. But it is clear some days it is easier than others, says Tobias Hansson before embarking on the partially covered road.

But what is the cycle path between Alvesta and Växjö?

- So there are no bike paths, that's bad.

Heavy traffic or forest road

To avoid cycling next to heavy traffic on Växjövägen, he takes the gravelly small roads through the forest leading to Gemla. But in order for more commuters to enjoy the healthy and environmentally friendly commute on bicycles, the municipalities should invest in cycle paths, he says.

- A paved road without car traffic would have attracted more people.