Last year was a record year in a positive sense when it comes to traffic deaths. Never before have as few as 223 people died on Swedish roads, which is one hundred fewer than the year before.

For Västra Götaland, that figure was down to a record low 20 people killed last year. Which can be compared to the year before when there were a total of 52 deaths in traffic.

- In addition to more wire rails, we have lowered the speed of certain stretches of road. But we have also been able to raise it on meeting separated roads where there was previously a risk of collision accidents when cars came over on the wrong side of the road, says Bengt Olsson to SVT News West.

Cautious tendency

To a large extent it is passenger car accidents that have decreased most, especially single accidents. Accidents involving motorcycles have also declined over the past five years.

According to the Swedish Transport Administration's Bengt Olsson, people have started to take it slower in traffic and adapt the speed more to the road conditions.

- There seems to be a cautious tendency that something positive is happening with the speeds on the roads.

But this is something that traffic police Anders Schääf does not agree with.

- Without scientific reason, the reduced number of fatalities is definitely not due to people driving more slowly in traffic. On the other hand, I think it's hotter and that people drive faster.

More than twice as fast

He and some colleagues were out during the weekend and measured the speed of 158: from Kungsbacka and towards Gothenburg, on a distance where you can drive 70 kilometers per hour.

- The average speed was a full 90 kilometers per hour, and the one who drove the fastest was 145 kilometers. Thus, more than double the allowable. It is reprehensible that you have zero respect for other road users, says traffic police Anders Schääf to SVT Nyheter Väst.

What do you think is the reason for the death toll in the county then?

- The fact that there were so few last year has a lot to do with the roadmap. To me, there was no slippage for several months and barely a few minus degrees.

He believes, however, that reduced speed and more speed cameras cause the fatalities to decrease.