Reflection on the visit to the Pope in Rome: "This year is important for a world without nuclear weapons" January 10, 4:55


Pope Francisco of the Roman Catholic Church recounted the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty once every five years, reflecting on his visit to Japan last year with a greeting from the New Year and renewing his thoughts on abolition of nuclear weapons from testimonies of the hibakusha. He said that this year of the Review Conference would be an important opportunity for a world without nuclear weapons.

Pope Francisco greeted the New Year in Vatican on the 9th in front of the ambassadors of each country. He mentioned in a visit to Japan in November last year, the first time for the Pope in 38 years, to visit atomic bomb victims in Nagasaki and Hiroshima and to hear the testimony of the atomic bomb survivors. It was clear that peace could not be built, "he said, renewing his thoughts on the abolition of nuclear weapons.

He called on world leaders to build a peaceful world without nuclear deterrence, saying, "A world without nuclear weapons is possible and necessary."

Pope Francisco also argues that this year's biennial review meeting of the NPT is a significant opportunity for a nuclear-weapon-free world to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons and promote nuclear disarmament. Appealed.

"I hope that the international community find a solid and positive agreement to implement the treaty," he said.