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The municipal elections will take place in France on March 15 and 22, 2020. In the photo: the tricolor scarf worn by the mayors. SEBASTIEN BOZON / AFP

In France, the municipal elections of March 15 and 22 are approaching and ambitions in the government are being revealed. Its members are due to vote this month. Several ministers are declaring themselves or about to do so.

The last one to start the race is Marlène Schiappa. The Secretary of State responsible for equality between women and men comes to the 14th arrondissement of Paris and supports Benjamin Griveaux .

Already declared, too, two ministers from the right: Gérald Darmanien and Sébastien Lecornu, each in their stronghold. Two pure macronism products are launched for the first time: Jean-Baptiste Djebarri and Gabriel Attal.

The thorn in the side of the government is the case of Biarritz. Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Jean-Baptiste Lemoyne and Minister of Agriculture Didier Guillaume will be on two different lists. A fratricidal duel in perspective.

Many government heavyweights will pass their turn, such as Jean-Yves Le Drian, Jean-Michel Blanquer or Bruno Le Maire. In all, only a third of the ministers should appear when President Macron wanted many to go to the front - they who are often like him without territorial anchoring.

The decision that everyone is waiting for now is that of Edouard Philippe . Will the Prime Minister go to Le Havre or not? The interminable negotiations around the pension reform prevent him for the moment from announcing his decision.

Read also: Municipal: how political parties prepare to lead the battle