- Cool, I say, it's fun with a record, but it's so obvious depending on how you look at it. It is a remarkable temperature, says SVT's meteorologist, Nitzan Cohen.

The reason for the historically high temperature is the winds that blow across our region. Nitzan Cohen explains.

- Right now we have a classic southwest wind from the Atlantic that has a tendency to offer mild weather. We have had many mild winters in recent years, but this makes it a bark in a large area.

Another explanation for the mild weather is also in the wind.

- If we have weak winds and clear weather we get a cooling from the ground surface, it can be hot air at high altitude but cold on the hill. But when it blows as it does now, the warm air at high altitude mixes with the warm on the ground and then it can get very hot.

No minus degrees in sight

It can get colder at night towards Saturday, it should pass a low pressure south of Örebro county and it should contain snow. But the chance of it reaching our county is small, and if it reaches us then the snow will not survive as mild temperatures and rain will come on Saturday afternoon.

- No, no end to the mild weather is in sight and it may take until the last week of January before we get lower temperatures, says Nitzan Cohen.