SVT has had a unique visit to the newly built animal department at the Karolinska Institute in Solna. This is where prominent Alzheimer's research is conducted, but being granted access to a department that deals with animal experiments is not easy.

Animal experiments are a sensitive issue that does not infrequently lead to the threat of researchers by animal rights activists.

But after a decision by both the security manager and the headmaster, we finally get a message: You are welcome.

Comprehensive infection protection

The security measures are rigorous. Before we reach the research department, we must position ourselves in air showers that will blow away microorganisms from our bodies, we get new clothes and go through a series of locks that ensure that contaminated air does not reach the animal department.

- These measures are not intended to protect us, they are to protect the mice, says Per Nilsson, associate professor and research leader at the Karolinska Institute.

Important with healthy animals

The mice used in Alzheimer's research must be perfectly healthy. If the animals carry infections, it can affect the research result.

- I am absolutely convinced that we will find a cure, says Per Nilsson.

Mice with alzheimer

Alzheimer's is one of our most common folk diseases, it breaks down the brain and causes memory loss. Over one hundred thousand Swedes are affected.

After several years of research, Per Nilsson has succeeded in producing mice that have a form of Alzheimer's disease.

The mice are used in various tests that measure their memory. For example, they may walk in a maze and look for a platform in a small pool.

New medicine in sight

The behavioral studies will provide researchers with answers to how different protein compositions in the brain affect memory.

- The long-term goal is to be able to develop a medicine that cures the disease, says Per Nilsson.