Los Angeles (AFP)

The "Joker" team did not want to go faster than the music: the first composer to win a Golden Globe alone, the Icelandic Hildur Gudnadottir had written the theme of the film before filming, which allowed the star Joaquin Phoenix to appropriate it to make it a tool at the service of his acting.

The use of this relatively rare technique allowed the American director Todd Phillips and the actors to draw inspiration from this dark, musical theme dominated by an abrasive cello (the composer’s favorite instrument) "even though they were filming, "Hildur Gudnadottir told AFP this weekend.

"Thank you Joaquin for making my job so easy with this spectacular and incredible performance, it's amazing", she launched on Sunday evening in Los Angeles receiving her award, before even knowing that the actor would be himself crowned "best actor" by the Golden Globes for his role as a torn and violent anti-hero.

"The music could have had a great influence on the performances" of Joaquin Phoenix, told AFP the young woman of 37, who favored simple rhythms reminiscent of heartbeats.

"Many of his movements, his comings and goings, are directly taken from the music," she added, citing in particular a scene during which the Joker, who has just committed a bloody crime, finds refuge in public toilets where he embarks on unexpected and deeply disturbing dance steps.

Improvised by Joaquin Phoenix, this memorable scene was accompanied by music by Ms. Gudnadottir, which was broadcast live on set during the shooting.

"Our dialogue did not go through words, we never had a conversation about it. But he really managed to interact with the music itself," said the musician.

"It's a great way to collaborate. I think it's really beautiful and natural when all the elements of a film develop together."

- "Distrust of women" -

This particular link between the music, the composer and the star of the "Joker" will further add to the legend of the film, which has aroused as much enthusiasm as controversy.

Joaquin Phoenix is ​​at this stage one of the favorites for the Oscar race where the Icelandic, already holder of an Emmy Award for the soundtrack of the series "Chernobyl", could still be talked about.

After two decades spent composing film music, Hildur Gudnadottir wants to see in his success a change in the attitude of the cinema industry towards women and their professional skills.

The only Golden Globes award-winning composer so far has been Lisa Gerrard for "Gladiator" music in 2001, but she shared her award with the sacred monster Hans Zimmer.

"I have felt a certain distrust of women over the past decade when it comes to big projects," Gudnadottir told reporters on Sunday.

"But I think I have benefited a lot from everything that has helped draw attention to the place of women in the industry for the past two years," she said, adding that "people are a little more willing to trust them today. "

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