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French ecologist Yannick Jadot during a previous trip to Lyon in September 2019. ROMAIN LAFABREGUE / AFP

The polls are encouraging. On paper, EELV candidates could win the next municipal elections in Besançon, Rouen or even Lyon. In the Lyon region, environmental MEP Yannick Jadot made his first trip of the year.

With our special correspondent in Villeurbanne, Anne Soetemondt

" We are targeting the strike!" We're going to knock down all the pins. It is an understatement to say, Yannick Jadot has a smile on his face. The feedback from the field is good, so for its return, direction Villeurbanne, 150,000 inhabitants, 20th city in France, which could fall into the hands of European ecology-The Greens next March.

Villeurbanne, the tree that hides the forest? As in the European elections, Yannick Jadot believes in the green wave and even targets the Lyon metropolis.

" We have an extraordinary ambition, " he says. We can't look at what's going on in Australia, see what happened this summer in our country, and say to ourselves: " Yes, finally, we still have a little time . " Well no, we don't have time. The urgency is there, it is up to us to take the wheel. "

" People are well aware, they see the reality of the emergency "

To get behind the wheel, alliances are over: Europe ecology-The Greens play it solo. Because this time, victory is possible, explains Béatrice Vessilier, candidate for Villeurbanne.

She assures him, the dynamics on the ground have changed: “ It is clear that people are well aware, they see the reality of the climate emergency. And as Yannick reminded us, Australia today, the latest IPCC reports, the failure of COP25… people say that we cannot continue like this. "

Sign of the rise in strength of environmentalists in the region, the mayor of Lyon Gérard Collomb, candidate for the metropolis this year, has greened his campaign. It's going to drive us up again, laughs Yannick Jadot.

► Read also: In 2020, can environmentalists transform the test?