Food is one of the most important pillars for maintaining perfect body shape and good health alike.

The Spanish magazine "Mujer de Eliti" said that obsession with the graceful body makes us forget the importance of a healthy and balanced diet, which provides all the nutrients the body needs to perform its vital functions properly.

Our minds have been plagued by false myths about food, just as drinking water while eating can cause obesity.

In this report, the magazine touched on many myths about food, and here are the most common myths:

1- Drinking water while eating causes obesity
This idea is considered one of the most common myths, but water does not cause obesity because it is free of calories, and it is necessary to maintain a balanced diet.

2- Bread causes obesity
This depends on the amount and quality of bread consumed, as the problem arises when we eat large quantities of bread so that the total calories we take are more than what we burn, which leads to storing the excess in the form of fat, but the bread is a good food and an excellent source of carbohydrates.

3- Carbohydrates gain weight
According to dietitians, carbohydrates are the main source of energy. You can eat vegetables you want, fruits, bread, and whole flour in moderation, but don't overlook some foods made with white flour, like pastries, bread, and sweets.

4- Dairy products gain weight
It depends on the fat content of dairy products and the amount that we consume. If you do not have a health problem with lactose or a cow's allergy, eating it will not be harmful to health, although non-animal products contain less fat, which is more healthy in most cases.

5- Sugar and fat-free products are more healthy
Sugar-free and fat-free foods have fewer calories and can save us a lot of energy. But lean products contain substances that give us more calories, such as carbohydrates and proteins.

6- Fat-free products do not contain calories
Posters indicate that nutrients in low-fat foods contain hidden calories.

7- Vegetable ghee is healthier than butter, and animal ghee causes less obesity
The magazine made it clear that it is just another myth that has nothing to do with reality. Both options are practically pure fats and provide the same calories, as the butter comes from milk, which is animal fat, as well as animal ghee.

In contrast, vegetable ghee is made from vegetable fats that undergo hydrogenation, which makes them more harmful than saturated fats in butter, and there is no doubt that healthy foods are free of butter and ghee.

8- Some foods burn calories
Although some vegetables and fruits contain very few calories, there is no food in itself able to burn calories.