
President Trump said that if Iran retaliated, he would fight back in an imbalanced way, much stronger. Iran says it will never have nuclear weapons on Iran's withdrawal. In the United States, criticism continues that President Trump's improvisational judgment is putting America at risk.

I'm Correspondent Washington Sohn.


After returning from his vacation, President Trump tweeted a sentence that Iran would never have nuclear weapons without a public schedule.

Yesterday (6th) is interpreted as a warning message that Iran will not tolerate a nuclear disarmament for virtually declaring its withdrawal.

The White House struggled to evolve controversial presidential statements.

Conway advocated 52 military bases, saying Trump's comments about hitting 52 Iranian sites, including historical sites, are a violation of international law.

[Conway / White House Senior Advisor: Iran has a lot of strategic military bases on cultural sites
I think. So I think it's meaningful for the president to give you the number 52.]

US media say President Trump's improvised and violent language puts America at risk.

The New York Times reported that President Trump, who was uncomfortable and unwilling to shine, approved the killing of Soleimani, was alarmed by defense officials who did not think of this extreme option.

CNN says dissenting opinions are even felt within the administration at Trump's warning that he will strike back quickly and completely in retaliation.