For SVT, Simon Tångö lists the three main benefits of living a mobile-free life. But what became of benefit to Simon became a disadvantage to his loved ones - at least at the beginning of his mobile boycott. His father Per-Erik Tångö tells us that the transition was a little complicated at first.

- It became a stress factor for me as a father, says Per-Erik Tångö.

In the clip above, Simon lists the three main benefits of living without a mobile phone.

Kissing couples were dropped

When Simon Tångö was visiting the Morning Studio in SVT, he told us why he chose to quit, and that it was a special situation with a kissing couple who was dropped.

- The girl was writing on the cellphone behind his head while they were kissing, he says.

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Simon Tångsö about why he chose to ship the phone completely. Photo: SVT