This year's Christmas present became the mobile box. A box where you can put away your mobile for situations when you want help to disconnect, to quote the Trade Investigation Institute.

- There is a popular view that we cannot control our mobile phone behavior and therefore a physical gadget, in this case a box, is needed that controls it. However, I suspect that one would rather regulate the use of others than their own, says Alexandra Weilenmann, professor of interaction design at the University of Gothenburg, in a press release.

She is one of the researchers to conduct the study, and for example, she refers to young people's use of the mobile that parents seem to want to reduce.


- To understand the use of the mobile box, we want to get people to speak and answer a total of 15 questions related to mobile phone usage and expectations on the mobile box through a survey.

The researchers simply want to know about our concentration and our interaction with us by putting the cell phone in a box.

Electronic patches

If you look at the list of this year's Christmas presents from previous years, you can see that they are made up of what we have today in our mobile phone: the camcorder in 1989, the CD player 1991, the mobile phone 1994, the internet package 1996, electronic pets 1997, computer games 1998, DVD- player 2000 and audiobook 2006.

- As a consumer, it's easy to get confused. Should we now find a way not to use what we bought and gave away in previous years? says Alexandra Weilenmann.

The study ends on January 13.