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Baghdad International Airport has suspended its activity late Thursday after four Katyusha missiles have hit a nearby military base used by the international coalition leading the United States and the Iraqi anti-terrorist service, just two days after the assault on the US embassy in the Iraqi capital.

According to the first information released by the Iraqi security forces, at least three missiles have fallen in the vicinity of the airport causing a still undetermined number of civilians injured . There are at least 12 wounded soldiers. The first images released after the attack show a succession of fires. At least two vehicles have been flame grass.

The SUVs hit by rockets on the road leading to the airport belonged to ' Hashid Shaabi' (Popular Mobilization, in Arabic) , the constellation of Shiite militias backed by Iran and integrated into the Iraqi security apparatus. According to local law enforcement, Mohamed Reda , responsible for protocol at Hashid Shaabi , and several guests were traveling in one of the vehicles. The authorities have confirmed the death of all passengers.

The projectiles have impacted near the airport's departures terminal forcing the immediate closure of the facilities, according to Qatari television Al Yazira . All flights have been canceled or diverted and US helicopters fly over the area.

The Bagdadí airport, built in the early 1980s, is 16 kilometers west of the center of the Iraqi capital. In its vicinity is the Baghdad Diplomatic Support Center , facilities used by diplomats and intelligence agents.

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