
The US Embassy in Iraq was attacked by protesters yesterday. Trump says Iran is behind the attack and will pay the price.

The news came from correspondent Lee Dae-wook in Cairo.


Black smoke soars at the US embassy in Baghdad, Iraq.

Some of the protesters went inside.

Failed to enter key facilities guarded by US troops and embassies evacuated to safe areas.

Protests have been triggered by US bombings targeting Shi'ite militias in Iraq.

When US bases in Iraq were attacked by rockets, US fighters bombed a Qin Iranian militia base and killed 25 others, including militia leaders.

[Protesters: We gathered to drive out Americans and embassies from Iraq. Revenge for the martyr soldiers.]

President Trump has warned that Iran is behind the embassy attacks and will pay a high price.

More than 700 US troops have been dispatched to Iraq to respond to the incident, but the US does not have a pointed response.

Iran, cited as the back of the crisis, is holding up a strong protest against President Trump's sanctions.

Retaliation against pro-Iran militias is likely to lead to attacks on Americans and US troops in Iraq.

In Iraq, protests against government incompetence and corruption continue, and there is growing concern that the US's tough response will provoke public sentiment and spread to anti-American protests.

(Video coverage: Kim Buyoung, Video editing: Park Jinhoon)