Pictures of Swedish girl Greta Thanberg topped the covers of international magazines at the end of 2019 as a "personality of the year", as described by the American "Time" magazine, due to the pioneering role played by Thanburg in the climate issue, and her exit in periodic demonstrations to demand the world's governments to take more effective measures to protect the planet we live on Its surface, especially after the demonstrations turned into millions, and its activities turned into a current within its countries, then moved to other countries to become the leader of a global movement.

Greta dragon of Elinora Thanberg was born in 2003 in an educated family in Stockholm, where her father was an actor and her mother works as an opera singer and he found for her father the director of more than 40 films and 20 TV series, and her grandfather to her mother is a Nobel Prize-winning scientist for discovering the effect of radioactive gases in destroying the atmosphere.

Asperg syndrome

In her childhood, Thanberg was afflicted with "Asperg syndrome", a disease that affects his friend's ability to communicate, but her family, who was very aware of, was interested in her treatment and was not satisfied with that. Rather, she spread her experience on this widely to benefit the thousands of people who suffer from the syndrome from This experience, and this experience has transformed Thanberg into a different personality, and according to her description, "I did not consider what I had a disease, but something that inspired me a great power." The experience also turned it into a person with a cause who knows how to persuade and influence the thousands around him.

Thanberg soon got acquainted with the climate issue and the threat to the world from pollution, and she tried to start that in her immediate family environment by persuading them to correct environmental behaviors, by turning to vegetarians and recycling waste and reducing travel by flying, and that included them in a family clash, where refraining from flying would To affect the mother’s career as an opera singer who travels the world.

Thanburg moved, at a later stage, to environmental activity in the public sphere, she called on her schoolmates to form a stream that faces environmental sabotage, and began leading a weekly demonstration in which people who were convinced of their ideas participated in Parliament.


Thanbberg diversified its propaganda for the cause of environmental protection, and resorted to enthusiastic speeches, songs, and social media, such as "Facebook, Instagram, Twitter," and other tools.

Thanberg was inspired by the idea of ​​a "school strike for the environment" by the behavior of American schoolgirls, who refused to return to school in protest of violence and a call to ban arms after the shooting of a school in Florida, USA in 2018, and then these American students organized a march "for the sake of Our Souls, ”says Thanberg that it is similar to the issue of the environment, because the human community needs to confront those who kill it through pollution.

In August 2018, after Sweden witnessed the hottest wave in its history for two centuries, Thanberg launched an invitation for school students not to attend school until the date of the Swedish elections on December 9, 2018, and to engage in this period in a broad mass movement to force the next government, whatever its political orientation In order to reduce carbon emissions according to the Paris Agreement, thousands responded to it, and it has become the approved destination for school students to go and sit in front of Parliament every day for the duration of the school day.

Global success

After the success of the Thanberg movement locally, thousands of students responded to it globally. During the period from 20 to 27 September 2018, around four million students in 270 international cities organized a school strike similar to what happened in Sweden for the same demand, and ended up after that became a global leader to To deliver a speech at the climate summit in Madrid in December 2019, in which she says with regret that, despite everything she has done, she feels that her mobility has yet to come, because “carbon emissions are still continuing at 4% since 2015.”

After this station, Thanberg entered the next stage, and she toured the United States, due to the well-known Trump administration stance rejecting the Paris Climate Agreement, and toured 15 American cities, and was on its way to address the Santiago Climate Conference had it not been canceled.

Civil society

Thunberg's speech and activity affected the global student movement and civil society, as well as influential political personalities, such as former British Environment Minister Michael Gouve, and the British political leader in the Labor Party iMybeland, and were simultaneously criticized by heads and heads of government such as President Donald Trump, And Chancellor Angela Merkel and President Vladimir Putin, on the pretext that she, that is, Thanberg "simplifies the issue of the environment", and that she has received press criticism, some of them were cruel to the point of referring to their previous illness, and even from some scientific authorities, this is in addition to a traditional party in the battle of the environment Those who are called «from you Climate change.

Thanberg was inspired by the idea of ​​a "school strike for the environment" by the behavior of American schoolgirls, who refused to return to school in protest of the violence.

Thunberg's discourse and activity affected the international student movement and civil society, as well as influenced political actors, and was simultaneously criticized by heads and heads of government.


An American city floated by Thanburg because of Trump's rejection of the Paris Climate Agreement.


A global city that witnessed a school strike similar to what happened in Sweden.

Call on Twitter

Greta Thonberg, in her Twitter post, recently urged people to see climate change as a real pressing issue for humanity before the start of the new year.

She wrote that climate change is a "pressing issue of existence" that must be finally addressed in this way, regardless of party politics or political opinions.

It also published a video showing how far emissions should be reduced to meet the goal of the Paris Climate Agreement, to reduce global warming to 1.5 ° C above pre-industrial levels.

"This cannot be considered news between other news, or an important issue among other issues, a political issue among other political issues, or a crisis between other crises," Thunberg wrote.

Trump and Greta

Trump mocked Greta. Archive

US President Donald Trump commented on the choice of Time magazine of the Swedish girl and environmental activist, Greta Thunberg, as the 2019 personality.

Trump, in a tweet on Twitter, described the selection as "very absurd."

"Greta must work to solve the problem of anger management, then go to see an old-fashioned movie with a friend," Trump wrote in his Twitter account. "Relax, greta, relax."

Greta Thunberg, 16, reported on her Instagram account that she was named Person of the Year from Time magazine, and said, "This is an appreciation not only to her but to all the young activists who participated in the Friday Movement for the Future."

US President Donald Trump mocked the "angry speech" of environmental activist, Greta Thunberg, before the United Nations, criticizing the heads of state of the major countries, and blaming what she described as "destroying ecosystems" on them.

Thonberg ignored Trump during a chance encounter with him at United Nations Headquarters, where the environmental activist gave a speech at one of the General Assembly's activities, and videos showed a look of anger that she directed to the American President when he passed in front of her accompanied by his aides.

"The very happy young woman looking towards a wonderful and smiling future looks very nice to watch," he tweeted.