Direct Report · What do you think about fireworks?


4 min14.36

Every major city can have one at 00.00 so you don't have to sell any and everyone can come and join in celebrating. Animals and others can have peace of mind where they live


4 min14.36

Statue example - capture those who, for example, shoot with intent on other people - then let them pay sky-high fines - SEK 50,000 - seize their property - it must have such great consequences when someone does not follow laws and regulations so large that it gives effect


4 min14.35

Excessively expensive for a product that lasts a few milliseconds. Apart from that, the fireworks sale helps the black trade to flourish, and it is no longer just toddlers and animals who are scared. Even we adults would like to have a rocket through the window or a firecracker thrown into the site.


9 min14.31

If people do not stop and shoot rockets at blue-light personnel, rockets should be banned!


14 min14.25

I love fireworks !!!!!!


15 min14.25

Fireworks, no. Produce raw materials, handling chemicals, manufacturing under perhaps unhealthy conditions. Long transport. Littering and stressful for animals and humans in use. What an outdated and unnecessary waste.


15 min14.25

Should be legal. Tapping on all day on the last day of the year. My animals have learned that it is not dangerous. The responsibility lies with yourself :)


15 min14.25

Think it is pathetic to ban fireworks.
That is the very thing with the New Year

Only in Sweden do such thin laws work out


15 min14.25

Prohibit! For environmental reasons!
We also want to warm up nature and animals! Stop these madness!


15 min14.25

About 150,000 thousand fireworks! Environmentally aware municipality ???? Seems to apply only to the climate !!


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