According to the advice of a nutritionist, pizza has important health benefits, and it may be even more beneficial than even muesli (a general dish of oats, nuts, and fruit) for breakfast.

According to nutrition expert Chelsea Amer, eating a slice of pizza in the morning could be healthier than eating a plate of crushed cereal.

"The reason why pizza has a health benefit is clear in reality: the" Mosley "cereal meal often contains dried fruits and pieces of chocolate, both of which contain a large amount of sugar," Aamer told the British newspaper "Daily Mail".

As for the pizza - according to the expert - it supplies the body with a more balanced mix of carbohydrates, proteins and fats, where it is usually covered with a layer of different vegetables that constitute an important source of supplying the body with the vitamins, minerals and fiber it needs.

But the American expert cautions at the same time against the types of pizza containing a large amount of fat without vegetables, as it is "more dangerous to the body and less beneficial to it than the muesli cereals that do not contain chocolate and dried fruits."

"You might be surprised to discover that a medium-sized pizza slice and a layer of muesli grains with whole milk contains almost the same amount of calories."

"But despite this, the pizza contains much more protein than the pills, which enhances the feeling of satiety throughout the first half of the day," says Amer Daily Mail.

And considers that the slice of pizza has a kind of nutritional balance, although it contains a greater amount of fat, the amount of sugar in it is less compared to most types of cold "Moselle" pills, so it may prevent you from a sharp rise in blood sugar.