The French newspaper Le Figaro said that the Algerian presidency is trying to show more reassurance by talking about the complex projects and emergencies facing the new president, Abdel Majid Taboun, after the shock of the death of the chief of staff, Ahmed Qaid Saleh, who was one of his associates.

The newspaper said that the first of these projects was the formation of the government that the president promised to be "young", and he passed the first step on Saturday, appointing Abdel Aziz Jarad as prime minister.

Jarad - who held high positions during the 1990s and was a member of the Central Committee of the National Liberation Front before he withdrew from it in 2016 and criticizes former President Abdelaziz Bouteflika - “the right person to coordinate between the president and the executive branch in the best way,” says one of his friends.

The new prime minister’s first statements on "restoring confidence in society" give his roadmap features closely linked to the presidential program, says this friend.

The newspaper said that after he pledged to meet the "basic demands" of the popular movement, he would give priority to reviewing the constitution by reducing the president's powers and amending the election law to "separate money from politics" in a country that suffers from corruption at all levels, and therefore "naturally to continue the anti-corruption process And there is still a lot to do, "says one of his teammates.

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Civil society more present

The second Taboun project - as the newspaper says - is a dialogue with the opposition and the movement, that popular movement that was born on February 22 and which led to Bouteflika's resignation.

Although the traditional Friday demonstration on December 27 was not very momentum, the new head of state still faces a refusal that deprives him of the full legitimacy of the president-elect, as one of his associates says, "We are in dialogue with those who accept dialogue" with reference to The possibility of opening public discussions with the opposition, in which some parties have begun to send positive signals.

The idea of ​​holding early legislative elections is raised - according to the newspaper - in order to reshape the political scene that was turned upside down by the movement, with the rise of civil society and the fall of power parties such as the National Liberation Front and the National Democratic Rally Party.

The last project that awaits the residents of the new Al-Mouradia Palace is related to finance, as the collapse of foreign exchange reserves and the shock experienced by the business community after imprisoning influential leaders in it, in addition to the political turmoil in the past ten months, have weakened the economy, which was already faltering due to bureaucracy and dependence Excessively on oil and gas revenue.

"Taboun faces the worst equations, which is to maintain social redistribution while finding new funding," Lovegaro quoted a member of the president's team as saying, "a dilemma of a solution is almost impossible unless deep structural reforms are made."