The user must ensure that data is safely removed from traditional hard drives or solid state disks (SSDs) before selling or giving away to others, and this also applies to desktop and laptop computers.

One important thing to keep in mind is that the procedures for removing data from traditional hard drives are not appropriate for removing data from solid state disks safely, and it is not sufficient at all with it to simply delete data from the operating system via the Recycle Bin or perform a hard disk configuration.

The Federal Information Technology Security Office of Germany indicated that the user can rely on special programs such as "DPI" to remove data safely from traditional hard disks (HDD) with magnetic storage disks, and that by writing disk drives seven times.

The matter differs when removing data from the solid state disks or hard disks that combine the two storage technologies known as "SSD", where the user here must implement the "Secure Erase" command, which runs the delete routine stored on the disk Hard, which also includes corrupted memory ranges.

If it is not possible to use the safe deletion program with the management program of the company producing hard drives, the Federal Office recommends the use of alternative programs, such as the Parted Magic tool.