
December 26, 2019He found under a tree a backpack full of gifts and 16 thousand euros in cash on Christmas Eve, before midnight, he immediately contacted the police and returned what was found to the owner. It happened in Germany, in the western city of Krefeld.

It was a real Christmas surprise for the 63-year-old man who was brought back the backpack he had forgotten. While the 51-year-old who found the bag, explains Krefeld police on Facebook, "refused to receive the reward because it was Christmas."

"There really are people who do beautiful things at Christmas," adds the police.

In Germany anyone who returns a found object can receive a reward based on the value of the object: in this case, the man would have been entitled to € 490 if he had accepted the reward, which he did not do.

The storytelling on Facebook attracted over a thousand likes and around 180 comments.

Some were surprised that someone could walk with such a high amount of cash in their backpack. A spokesman for the Krefeld police, speaking to AFP, said it was "unusual" but that the owner of the backpack explained that he "felt safer" to carry the money with him.