If you want to have a white Christmas you have to get on the train and go north. Most of Sweden will have a white Christmas but if you live south of Värmland you can expect it to remain gray and wet all day.

"Merry Christmas weather in the north"

During the Christmas Eve morning, a rainy area is on its way across Götaland. While it is moving north-east across Värmland, the rain is expected to snow. A large part of the warmlanders can expect to see snow in the air during Christmas Eve. The same is true in Dalarna.

In Norrland there is already snow on the ground and there you can expect a beautiful Christmas weather.

- Yes, it's nice Christmas weather in the north. There is snow on the ground and sometimes light snowfall during the day, says Deana Bajic, meteorologist at SVT during Christmas Eve morning.

Cooler in the middle days

Further south, however, it is not as fun. In southern Värmland and in Västmanland, there may instead be undercooled rain and the risk of slipping locally. And in the rest of Sweden, the cloud cover continues to make Sweden gray.

During the middle days the weather changes and on Friday it is expected to be minus degrees throughout the country.

- But unfortunately, there does not seem to be any snow. It will be frost but no snowfall except possibly in Svealand, says Deana Bajic.