Today's patient records are distributed in about 60 locations in the region. The regional council has decided to proceed with the plans for centralizing the journal archives and the idea is to gather the records in a building that is not adjacent to any hospital.

- There is a fairly large set of regulations on how and what may exist around an archive room and it can be a limitation if you incorporate it into the hospitals, says Tobias Lundberg, information strategist Region Sörmland.

"Must be resolved"

Today, each healthcare unit is responsible for storing and providing patient records. The project “Effective and patient-safe handling of journal documents” has been ongoing since 2016, but in conjunction with the renovations, the project has been accelerated.

- Storage must be solved in some way, this project would not be allowed to proceed, it must be resolved anyway, but this is our only alternative at present.

"50 million sheets of paper"

According to the regulations, journal documents are to be kept forever, and despite having digitized journals since the beginning of the 2000s, there are still large quantities of journals in paper form still in the archives.

- We expect 75 percent to be scanned and 25 percent remaining in paper form, and that's about 50 million sheets of paper.

A final decision on what and how to resolve the filing must be made by June 30, 2020.