The diaper decision affects hundreds of municipalities. The controversy over the diaper payment flared up when Värmdö Municipality discovered that a private preschool did not provide the children with diapers. The municipality then demanded the company that operated the preschool on a fine of the equivalent of SEK 30,000.

Earlier this year, the school was sentenced in the lower court, the district court, for failing to cover the diaper cost - a judgment that is thus fixed.

The question of who should pay for the diapers at preschool has been disputed for several years and many municipalities have argued that it is a cost that parents should bear for themselves. Several others - a total of 18 - have chosen to provide diapers for free. Among them are Falköping, Lindesberg and Härnösand.

Earlier this year, the City of Malmö made a preliminary calculation for diaper costs for the more than 20,000 children attending the municipality's 240 municipal preschools. They then reached a price tag of between SEK 3.5 and ten million.