The International Institute for Tolerance in Dubai stated that there is a close relationship between the tolerance of the individual and his feeling of happiness, pointing out that the applied studies that have been conducted showed that.

In a video recently published on his Instagram page, he explained that a study conducted in two Arab countries that included 500 university students, was based on the Oxford Global happiness scale, which contains 28 items measuring the individual's happiness, and the Heartland Tolerance Index, which includes a questionnaire that monitors the individual's tendency to tolerate Others found a relationship between the individual's tolerance and feeling happy about 93%.

The study conducted at the Egyptian Zagazig University aimed to identify the nature of the relationship between tolerance and happiness among university students in both Egypt and Iraq, and to reveal the differences between Egyptian and Iraqi university students in both tolerance and happiness, and to know the differences between male and female in the level of happiness and tolerance, as well as detection On the possibility of predicting the level of happiness of university students from their grades on the scale of tolerance of its sub-dimensions, as well as the overall degree.

The results of the study concluded that there is a positive and statistically significant correlation between each of the individual sample scores on the tolerance scale and their scores on the happiness scale. I also found statistically significant differences between members of the Egyptian and Iraqi sample of university students on the happiness scale, and the differences were in the interest of the Iraqi sample, as well as on the scale of tolerance - except for self-tolerance - the differences were in the interest of the Egyptian sample.

For its part, Dar Zayed for Islamic Culture stressed, in a report recently published on its website, that tolerance is essential to achieving happiness in human societies, as achieving happiness requires providing freedoms in all its forms, and ensuring sensory and moral justice alike.

The researcher in the house, Dr. Abdelbaset Mohamed Ibrahim, said that happiness consists of several pivotal factors, the most important of which is the spiritual factor, because happiness is a psychological reality with moral dimensions, and a characteristic of living souls, emanating from the interior and overwhelming the apparent, and touching the fingers of hearts and conscience, before they are perceived by the senses and the bodies .

He stated that although Aristotle links happiness with knowledge and thought, while Farabi links it to the pursuit of good, and German philosopher Emmanuel Kant links it with virtue, everyone is agreed that there is no happiness except with tolerance, for forgiveness opens horizons of thought, goodness and virtue together.

He added that the sources of happiness are multiplied by people's experiences in life, for His Excellency demanded knowledge to sit with scholars, and His Excellency the sick to obtain healing, and the happiness of the Lover in proximity to loved ones. But tolerance is a constant source of happiness for all human beings, regardless of their experiences and the multiplicity of their demands in life. The feeling of safety and freedom from all manifestations of fear and anxiety are among the most important meanings associated with happiness.

The relationship between happiness and tolerance

The researcher at the Zayed House for Islamic Culture, Dr. Abdelbaset Mohamed Ibrahim, said that tolerance for its universal values ​​comes to guarantee all sources of happiness, and from here came the Qur'anic discourse of non-coercion, so Glory be to Him: (No compulsion in religion may be revealed by the rationality of abrogation), for tolerance At the same time, it undermines happiness. If coercion is prohibited in the matter of religion, it is first that it is prohibited in other matters.

He pointed out that «the relationship between happiness and tolerance is close, as tolerance is one of the most important manifestations of respect for private freedoms, which people aspire to. And happiness comes only with the guarantee of freedoms, whether spiritual or sensual for all segments of society, so global indicators show a remarkable rise in happiness in tolerant and pluralistic societies. And the nature of the ruling relationship between the happiness of the human community and the level of religious tolerance among its members is as close to the direct relationship as the higher the tolerance index in a society, the higher the happiness index with it, and the lower the tolerance index, the lower the happiness level of the individual and society. ”

Feeling safe and free

A manifestation of fear

And anxiety of the most prominent meanings

Associated with happiness.