The decision was made after a long debate during the evening's municipal council, which was held in the Library House in Karlstad.

Peter Samuel Nisser, Municipal Councilor.

"This matter has been treated like all cases in this municipality," said Per-Samuel Nisser (M).

Question the place

Parvane Assadbegli (V), who primarily wanted the matter to be referred, stressed that the project risks going the same way as previous projects.

- We also question the location of the theme park.

After her speech, she was greeted by applause - something that was not liked by Chairman Anders Knape (M).

"If we continue to do so, we must vacate the premises," he said.

Can be tourist magnet

Peter Sörensen, Karlstad Party's quality of life.

The environmental party's Monika Bubholz argued that the Moomin Park should be an important factor for the visitor industry.

- There is not much to do in Karlstad for children, so investing in a fairytale park can be interesting both for children in Värmland, and children from other places. We need to create goals for people who want to go on vacation, but who don't want to go on charter, ”she says.

Tonight's decision may be appealed.