Although at the time of the case of "Anna" there were internal rules for what should be done in suspected cases of abuse, a police report was never made.

- I think it is because there is a very strong culture of silence. There were internal rules and there is a duty to report, so the Catholic Church must report, says Ulla Gudmundsson.

She believes that the regulations are not enough.

- It takes a long time for rules to sink in and then they are followed, says Ulla Gudmundsson.

The culture of silence is still alive

However, she believes that much has happened to the Catholic Church's regulations since the case of "Anna".

- Both the former pope and the present have taken important steps and sent important signals. Much of what was done in the case of "Anna" had not been possible today because there are clear rules to be followed, she says.

However, the culture of silence is still alive within the Catholic Church.

- There are still reports of abuse. They may be far behind in time, but they have not been straightened out and the victims have not been corrected, says Ulla Gudmundsson.

See the interview from SVT's News in the video above.