Vienna prestigious ballet school “Recommended smoking to maintain body shape” December 19, 6:59

At a ballet school in Vienna, known as prestigious, a report has been put together that the state of health has been threatened by encouraging students to smoke in order to maintain their body shape.

At the Ballet School at the Vienna State Opera, in April an Austrian local newspaper reported that teachers had been physically and mentally abused by their students, and the Austrian government appointed a special committee. It has been installed and interviewed by students.

About this, the committee compiled a report and held a press conference on the 17th, and recommended smoking to students aged 10 to 18 for the purpose of eliminating appetite in order to maintain a thin figure in this, Explained that their body shape was sometimes distorted by calling their names along with the size of their clothes.

The report also stated that the amount of practice and number of performances were not adequately managed, and that the health status of young ballet dancers was threatened. It ’s clear that it ’s not, ”he said, and asked the school to improve.

On the other hand, the Vienna State Opera commented, “In addition to providing a consultation desk for students, we are responding by reducing the number of performances”.

The Ballet School of the Vienna State Opera was founded in 1771, and its graduates are known for being active in the world's leading ballet companies.