Questionnaire about equal consultation with the national general affairs group December 18 17:32

Over the opposition party, Tamaki representative Tamaki reported at the party's general affairs meeting that he had agreed to discuss with the representative of the constitutional democratic party Edano. Questions were asked to confirm that the party's policy of discussing from a standpoint was conveyed.

At the Democratic Party of the National Democratic Party, Mr. Tamaki reported that he had a meeting with the leader of the 17th Hitachi Constitutional Democratic Party, Mr. Edano, and agreed to start a discussion.

On the other hand, the representatives who attended expressed their support, saying, “The response is left to Mr. Tamaki and Secretary-General Hirano.

In addition, a question was asked to confirm whether Mr. Edano communicated the policy decided by the party and the policy to discuss the party name in an equal position, Mr. Tamaki said, `` Including whether you said or not, “The contents are not supposed to be said.”

On the 19th, the Constitutional Democratic Party and the National Democratic Party will meet with the secretary-general to start discussions for confluence.

“Policies are indispensable for joining”

Regarding the agreement with the Constitutional Democratic Party to enter into a meeting, Representative Tamaki said that “policies should be discussed as a matter of course,” indicating that policy reconciliation is indispensable.

National Democratic Party representative Tamaki agreed on a party with the Constitutional Democratic Party President Edano on 17th to enter into discussions.

Regarding this, Mr. Tamaki said at the press conference that “policies should of course be discussed, and we want to watch over the results of discussions between the secretary-generals” and recognized that policy coordination is essential for joining. Showed.

On top of that, while there were differences in position due to nuclear policy, etc., a question was asked whether it is possible to walk up. I want to continue discussion.